BUFFALO — Buffalo State Athletics welcomed the Focused Learning for Youth (FLY) program to Houston Gym on Friday evening for a night of fun, engagement and activities with 44 volunteering Bengal student-athlete.
The FLY Program was designed to meet the specific needs of refugee middle school students on the West Side of Buffalo. FLY students are from various African and Asian countries, including Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Iraq, Nepal, and Burma. As Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) and English Language Learners (ELLs), refugee students play an endless game of academic catch-up. Without outside assistance, many would be lost in a new school system, in a language that is unfamiliar to them, and with new ‘cultural rules.’
Buffalo State’s student-athletes played a variety of games with the young students, including soccer, hand ball, kickball and dodgeball, while engaging with the students and teaching valuable life lessons through sport.
from BuffaloStateAthletics.com via IFTTT