SO lets break this down. All modern DSLR’s have the capability to shoot video, and at times, yes I will use my camera to shoot video, but in the job market, it is my personal opinion, that a photographer is an individual who captures still images. A video guy is someone who shoots video. Does this make sense? Well, if you agree, then I think it is safe to say, that employers should be able to distinguish between the two.
I can be the first to tell you that I, for one, do not enjoy doing video. As stated, I can, but I prefer to outsource that task. For me it is about focus. When a photographer is tasked with doing both, it is very distracting when you are wired to capture that moment. When doing both, I can promise you will miss that one shot. It is the same thing for a video guy.
I am sure that a photographer can transition to a role of filmmaker and vice versa, but It is my opinion that this creates a watered-down version of the selected craft.
In closing. Employers need to understand the difference. CEO’s and hiring managers have much better things to do than worry about this. However, I think the crafts need to be defined so, when an employer is looking for a video guy, he is getting a video guy. When he needs a photographer, he gets a photographer.
Two different skill sets, and two different personalities.
Any thoughts on this ?
All for now.
from MSargentPhoto.com via IFTTT