We want more people to know about All WNY Deals and the fact that people can save more than 50 percent on upcoming concerts in Western New York. We’d like your help … and we’re willing to compensate you for it.
One lucky person will win a pair of tickets to Pop Evil at Niagara Falls Rapids Theatre on Feb. 23 courtesy of All WNY Deals just for a few Facebook clicks. All you have to do to enter is like All WNY News on Facebook, comment on this post and share it (publicly). Monday morning, we’ll chose one person at random from those who did all three (like, like, share).
Of course, if you don’t win, you can still buy some. They go for $28.36 from TicketFly or we’re selling them for $12.50 on All WNY Deals.
We also have tickets for Buffalo’s Hip Hop Fest 2017 on Sunday at Mohawk Place ($5) and BurtFest 2017 at Showplace Theater on Feb. 26 ($7). Each one of those deals is at least 50 percent off. And buying them helps All WNY News & Radio, while still supporting the venues and promoters of those shows.