On Dec. 8, Edward was diagnosed with B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a cancer of the white blood cells. After spending 23 days at Women and Children’s Hospital in Buffalo, Edward now faces two to three years of traveling between his home in Eden to Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo to undergo chemotherapy.
To assist Edward and his family in taking a bite out of leukemia and the resulting medical expenses, family and friends will hold a benefit from 2 to 7 p.m. May 6, at the River Road Fire Hall, 39 Kaufman Ave.
Admission will be $20 per person and will include beverages, food and door prizes. Basket raffle tickets will be $5 per sheet or five sheets for $20. Large raffle items, a “Barrel full of Cheer” raffle, a 50/50 split and entertainment by the band The Gutter Prophets also will be available. Drawings will begin at 6 p.m. All proceeds will go toward Edward’s medical costs.
For tickets, to make a donation, or to arrange pickup of donations, contact Joe Kowalewski, Edward’s uncle, at 578-9063. The event also will include a UNYTS blood drive, and to schedule an appointment, contact Lynn Ansley at 535-9297.
Checks made payable to “Care of Edward Carias” also may be sent to 116 Canterbury Lane, Kenmore, NY 14217. The family also has established a GoFundMe page at www.gofundme.com/wolfman5.