There’s less than 24 hours to nominate restaurants in the WNY’s Best Pizza category of the All WNY Awards.

With the addition on two more nominees on Friday, that brings the total number of nominees to 35

The newly added nominees are:

Previous nominees include: 

Nominations can be made in a variety of ways, including the form on this post, via a comment on this Facebook post, and via Twitter with the tag #AllWNYPizza. More than one nomination per person is allowed. We’ll collect nominations through 11:59 p.m. and begin voting on Sunday.

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By All WNY Awards

The All WNY Awards celebrates the very best of Western New York. Started over a decade ago as the WNY Music Awards on WBNY, the All WNY Awards moved to All WNY Radio in 2013. Each year, we honor the best in the music industry, as well as businesses and community events.