NIAGARA FALLS — Congress Brian Higgins, NY-26, has moved his Niagara Falls office to 800 Main Street, Suite 3C.
The office will have the same phone and fax numbers:
- Phone: 716-282-1274
- Fax: 716-282-2479
The Congressman is also accessible through offices in Buffalo at: 716-852-3501, in Washington, DC at: 202-225-3306 or visit: higgins.house.gov for the Congress on Your Corner schedule to find another location near you.
For regular updates follow the Congressman on Twitter and Instagram: @RepBrianHiggins, Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepBrianHiggins, or sign-up to receive the Congressman’s newsletter at: higginsforms.house.gov/forms/emailsignup.
from Congressman Brian Higgins via IFTTT