Several area legislators joined the Niagara County Farm Bureau Board recently for its annual holiday luncheon. Those in attendance included State Sen. Rob Ortt, newly elected Assemblyman Mike Norris, Gerry Farnham representing Assemblywoman Jane Corwin, and County Legislator Dave Godfrey.

The mission of New York Farm Bureau is “To Serve and Strengthen Agriculture.” It is a non-governmental, volunteer organization financed and controlled by member families for the purpose of solving economic and public policy issues challenging the agricultural industry. Its success in
implementing policies depends upon our active, well-informed membership guided by the efforts of many dedicated volunteer leaders.

Niagara County Farm Bureau President Jim Bittner explained the grassroots nature of the organization. “It is our goal to work with elected officials to explain our challenges and issues. Then, when needed, we lobby for the legislative priorities as selected by the group at its annual meetings. Annually, we give our Circle of Friends award to those state legislators who have helped us in our efforts.”  Afterward each of the Farm Bureau members introduced him or herself and told about their farm operation, Bittner ceded the floor to Mike Norris.

After explaining his background, Norris related that he had worked with Assemblyman Dave Seaman. At that time, Seaman explained the importance of the Circle of Friends. It is one of his goals to earn it. He then appealed for help to understand the issues that are important to the farmers. While at the luncheon, Norris signed the Pledge to Support NY Wineries. As part of that
pledge, he will serve NY state wines at any of his official functions.

State Sen. Ortt  reminded the group that one of his roles is to advocate for agriculture. The outcome may not always be exactly what is hoped, but it is his goal to keep farms with families and to allow them to grow. “Agriculture is the largest economic generator in New York. I am hoping to be appointed to the Senate Agriculture committee.” he stated.  “If there is anything I need to understand, know my door is always open. I would be happy to tour your farms
so I can learn more.”

For more information about Niagara County Farm Bureau, its lobbying efforts and its support of rural issues call 778-7330 or email

Photo of Mike Norris, Jim Bittner and Rob Ortt discussing agricultural issues at the Niagara County Farm Bureau Board luncheon provided by the Niagara County Farm Bureau.

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