BUFFALO — The University at Buffalo women’s soccer team (7-7-5, 4-4-3 MAC) was able to clinch their third straight trip to the Mid-American Conference Tournament on Thursday afternoon as they handed the Akron Zips a 1-0 defeat at UB Stadium. The Bulls totally controlled the tempo of the match as Celina Carrero netted the game-winner, her first this season.

Andrea Niper had the first shot of the match in the seventh minute but her long range attempt was sent high of the goal. Buffalo was able to get on the board in the ninth minute of play as Adrianna VanCuyck sent a great cross into the box where Celina Carrero was able to head home her second goal of the season. In the 14th minute, Carissima Cutrona had a dangerous chance but her attempt on the open goal was blocked by an Akron defender and cleared away. Akron had two strong chances to tie the match in the 20th minute but Laura Dougall made a nice stop on Sarah Sivic’s shot from her left. On the ensuing corner, Catie Corrigan saw her shot sail over the cross bar and out of play. Moira Petrie came back two minutes later with a shot of her own but her blast went wide left of the cage. Rebecca Bramble started the string of three great chances to score for the Bulls in the 32nd minute as she took an Ashley Evans cross and headed the ball towards the right corner but the Akron keeper made a great diving stop. Three minutes later, Julia Benati ripped a shot headed for the upper left corner of the net but the Akron keeper poked the ball into the cross bar and the Zips cleared the ball away. In the 36th minute, Adrianna VanCuyck sent a perfect cross into the box where Celina Carrero’s right-footed attempt was saved by the keeper from point blank range. Akron had their best chance of the half in the 37th minute as Chloe Allenb raced in on a breakaway but her shot was saved by the leg of a diving Laura Dougall to preserve the halftime lead for UB, 1-0.

After some nice passing in the 51st minute, Julia Benati had the first shot of the second half but her hard shot was saved by the Zips keeper. In the 57th minute, Celina Carrero made a couple nice moves and fed Carissima Cutrona who took a shot that was stopped by the keeper. Annabelle Hegeman made a huge diving stop in the 59th minute as Adrianna VanCuyck ripped a shot from distance that was bound for the upper right corner. In the 67th minute, Dana Lytle received a pass from Carley Zoccali and ripped a shot that forced the keeper to make a diving to her left. Celina Carrero had a great chance in the 82nd minute as she took a feed from Rebecca Bramble and fired a shot just over the cage. Rebecca Bramble made a great run down the right sideline in the 83rd minute and she crossed a perfect ball into the box where Dana Lytle ripped a shot that forced the keeper to make a diving stop. The Bulls had a golden opportunity to make it 2-0 in the 87th minute but Julia Benati saw her shot ring off the left goal post after a great cross from Jessica Marlowe.

With the win, the Bulls are now 24-1-5 at home over last three years under head coach Shawn Burke, qualifying them for the MAC Tournament for the third straight season, only the second time UB has done that in their program history.

The Bulls qualified for their third straight MAC Tournament and will be on the road on Sunday afternoon. Opponent for Sunday will be determined later this evening.

from UBBulls.com via IFTTT