It is about people, places, and showing you how I see the world. So you may say well “Mike, why did you start off the post the way you did?” My answer will be simply, “Well reader, I wanted to make a point, and that point is, Sometimes when feel beat down, or become so tired of the garbage you deal with on a daily basis, one must remember it is okay to simply say ‘What the Fuck’ or ‘Fuck it.’ Find that place and spend some time there. Refocus and reevaluate. Perspective will come and that allows you to refocus. One of my favorite places is among the dead, they listen, and don’t hate on you for your thoughts. Remember Happy Gilmore, find your happy place Happy.”
Here is a happy place.
Sit a spell and think it over.
I shot this for a photo project, that involved an Arbor day theme, however it was not shot in the light I was waiting for. It is peaceful and please do’t ask about the location. It’s a secret and it is a place I go to think, work, and refocus. How many of you have a place like this?
I would love to hear about your “Happy Place”, in the comments section. Thanks for reading.
— Mike
from via IFTTT