SHERMAN — A 25-year-old Panama man was charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief and a 22-year-old Clymer man was charged with third-degree assault following an incident Sunday evening on Alder Bottom Road.
According to New York State Police, Marty Troyer (at right), 25, and Robert Yoder (below), 22, had gotten into an argument with another party, who was “held in a headlock and struck multiple times, suffering visible injuries.”
Police say when the victim called 911 from a cell phone, Troyer removed the phone from his possession and threw it in the woods, preventing further contact with 911. The victim was treated for non-life threatening injuries by a local ambulance. Yoder was arrested at the scene and Troyer was arrested later in the evening at a private residence.
Yoder and Troyer were processed at SP Jamestown, issued appearance tickets returnable to the Town of Sherman Court and released.