Flynn, who served as a Nacy JAG officer for 28 years, took 45 percent of the vote — compared to 40 for Flaherty and 14 for Mark Sacha.
Flynn was also running on the Conservative Party line, but lost that bid to Joe Treanor III by a tally of 60 percent to 40 percent. The pair will now face off in November, with Flynn also appearing on the Working Families and Women’s Equality lines — and Treanor having the backing of the Republican line.
Flaherty, who has served in the role of acting district attorney for approximately eight months said he isn’t sure what his future holds.
In the 60th State Senate Republican primary, Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs easily won over Kevin Stocker by a tally of 76 to 24 percent.
Amber Small took the Democratic line in that race, defeating former state Sen. Al Coppola by a
67 percent to 33 percent margin. Coppola swore off politics after the loss.
In the 143rd Assembly District Democratic Primary, Monica Wallace bested Kristy Mazurek by a 76 to 24 percent margin.