Party Chairwoman Susan Agnello Eberwein said via press release that the party will back Republican Michael J. Norris in his Assembly bid in the 144th District and incumbent Sheriff James R. Voutour, a Democrat.
For Norris, that also means that, with the departure of incumbent Assemblywoman Jane L. Corwin, R-Clarence, he can count on the support of the Independence Party’s vacancy committee to secure the Independence line on the ballot.
“Our party’s endorsement — and its ballot line — is given to a candidate who reflects our values, who is committed to getting results rather than aggressive partisanship,” Eberwein explained. “I’ve known Mike Norris and Jim Voutour for years, and neither ever puts party ahead of principle.”
Eberwein noted that Norris — who is making his first bid for elected office this fall — was once the Republican elections commissioner at the Board of Elections, and won her respect there.
“Mike was always willing to help out representatives of minor parties when we came in, treating us and our voters with respect,” she said. “Whenever I had questions about process, about paperwork, about election law, Mike made time for me, even though I wasn’t a Republican. We need those kind of values in Albany.”