BUFFALO — A 21-year-old Angola man was charged with boating while intoxicated following an early morning crash that injured six people.
According to Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard, the sheriff’s Marine and Crash Investigation units responded to a call from the Buffalo Station of the U.S. Coast Guard to assist with a boating crash sometime in the 2 a.m. hour. The U.S. Coast Guard reported that a vessel struck the outer harbor break wall and several individuals were injured. The sheriff’s Marine Unit and Air-1 responded to find a possible missing person however once on shore all individuals were present and the call for Air-1 was canceled.
Deputy Biegasiewicz evaluated the boat’s operator, Cody Pudlewski and determined Pudlewski was impaired, leading to the BWI charge. The incident remains under investigation and Pudlewski could face additional charges.
Five of those injured were transported to Erie County Medical Center for treatment and evaluation of lacerations and possible broken bones and the sixth victim refused treatment.