The contest is the centerpiece of Corpus Christi’s 37th annual Dożynki Polish Harvest Festival on Sept. 24 and 25.
Christopher Byrd, the contest organizer, says the event “captures Buffalo’s love for food and while celebrating our city’s rich ethnic heritage with recipes and traditions passed on from one generation to the next. The contest draws people from all of Western New York. Buffalonians have incredible passion for their homemade pierogi.”
For those interested in entering the contest, rules can be found at http://dozynki.corpuschristibuffalo.org/buffalos-best-pierogi-contest/.
A group of celebrity judges will determine the winners for the contest with winners in each category being bestowed the title of Buffalo’s Best Pierogi Maker.
Corpus Christi Church was founded in 1898 and is located in the heart of East Buffalo’s Historic Polonia. It is on the state and national lists of historic sites.
For more information about the festival, visit http://dozynki.corpuschristibuffalo.org.