APPLETON — The Winery at Marjim Manor came home from the New York State Fair with some new hardware — six medals for the six wines it submitted at the fair’s 2016 Wine Competition.
Applegria , a blend of apple, peach and pear wine, won gold. Similar to a white sangria, Applegria uses apples, peaches and pears. Each fruit takes its turn presenting its best flavors, ending with a bouquet of all three flavors. Winery owner Margo Sue Bittner says it pairs well with fish, cheese and is “wonderful to sip while you sit and watch the sun go down.”
Silver medals were awarded to Starlight, Pear Made in Heaven and Cordially Yours. Starlight is named for the paternal grandmothers of the family. Stella means star and Helen means light. It is a blend of Cayuga White and Riesling. Pear Made in Heaven starts like a chardonnay and finish with a rich pear taste. Cordially Yours is the cherry infused with chocolate. You smell chocolate, taste cherry then taste chocolate. They call it “dessert in a glass.”
Peach for the Stars and Cordelia’s Desire received bronze medals.
The Winery at Marjim Manor is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily — except Sundays when it opens at noon for tastings. Their wines are found in 160 liquor stores and restaurants. Check the winery website, www.MarjimManor.com, for the liquor store or restaurant closest to you.