The band recently came across an opportunity to play a series of shows throughout Europe in October, 2017. But with the opportunity comes a challenge: Raising the more than $20,000 to make it happen.
Hello Internet.
The band turned to GoFundMe in hopes of having friends, family and fans help raise the necessary $20,500 for the trip to Germany, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary.
The band says it needs to secure the funding by the end of July in order to get the arrangements finalized. They’ve still got a ways to go. Seventeen days in, they’ve raised $325 of the necessary $20,500. But four weeks is a long time on the Internet and the goal is hardly unreachable.
The plan is 10 — maybe 12 — shows in 15 days beginning Oct. 1, 2017, in support of Lord Bishop Rocks. Each show will be filmed and some will be broadcast live. There is also plans to record a track in a studio in Budapest.
The band has experience playing outside the U.S., having played gigs in Puerto Rico and Canada, as well as six American states. They’ve opened for dozens of national headliners, including their childhood idols, KISS.
And now, they intend to make it big.
We hope to make 2017 our best year ever as a band and we want you to help us do just that! For years our fans, friends and family have been telling us that we “should be famous by now” or “should be playing big arenas” or “are WAY better than X band” so this is our chance to go prove to another part of the World what you already know. Thank you so much for making our dreams come true!
Jody, Mike, Mark and Chris
For more information, visit their GoFundMe page or Facebook.
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