The viral video internet sensation Candace Payne (aka the “Chewbacca Mom”), fresh off of her June 19th visit to Hasbro HQ to receive a custom action figure in her honor, has received one final special treat.  Early this morning, she was launched into space.
Chewbacca Mom, as seen in space capsule as she is launched into galaxy far, far away...

Chewbacca Mom, as seen in space capsule as she is launched into galaxy far, far away…
Payne, whose video posted in May via Facebook Live generated over 140 million views with over 3 million “reshares”, has certainly gained a lot of media exposure, with TV appearances such as “Good Morning America” and “Late Night With Somebody“.  She’s also gained a lot of loot along the way too: a trip to the Facebook headquarters, a trip Disney’s Hollywood studios, funds to visit the Fan Dallas Expo as the invited quest of Chewbacca actor “Peter Mayhew”cash and Star Wars gifts from Kohl’s, where she originally got the mask, and free four-year tuition for her whole family at Southeastern University, which will likely be over $400,000 by the time her children are college age.
But today marked the biggest surprise yet for the stay-at-home Mom.  Han Solo himself, Harrison Ford arrived at her Texas home and flew her in his helicopter to Spaceport America in New Mexico, where they were met by by SpaceX Founder Elon Musk and “Star Wars” creator George Lucas.
The Chewbacca Mom was quickly escorted into a heavily modified Falcon 9 rocket and launched off of this planet. The experimental hyperdrive then kicked in, and Payne arrived safely to her new home: the planet Kashyyyk, the tropical forested home world of the Wookie race.
While many fans thought Star Wars was a work of pure fiction, Lucas said (after Mrs. Payne was well in the stratosphere already) that the events that inspired his movie franchise were really true, save for some creative license. When questioned by the press further, Harrison Ford interjected:
It’s true.  All of it…
Hours later, in a holographic transmission from the Wookie planet, Payne couldn’t believe what greatness was bestowed on her:
Oh my god! Oh my god! They stink so badly! And they never heard of flea medicine!!
A year's supply of "Wookie Cookies" accompanied Payne on her final journey.

A year’s supply of “Wookie Cookies” accompanied Payne on her final journey.
The transmission was abruptly cut at the source, possibly jammed by the First Order.  The happy “Chewbacca Mom” arrived just in time for the Wookie’s  celebration of “Life Day” and will be required to sing the song who’s melody inspired John Williams to create the Star Wars Main Theme:

What a fantastic finish to a great internet sensation!

from The Tommunist via IFTTT