ALBANY — Assemblywoman Jane Corwin, R-Clarence, welcomed students from Erie and Niagara counties’ Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H to the Assembly Chamber this week. The students –Valerie Weisbeck, Isabella Thomas, Lily Berghorn, and Anna Spoth — were part of a large delegation of 4-H participants from across the state who traveled to the Capitol to attend the 81st annual Capital Days conference.
“Over 130 4-H students came to Albany to learn more about state government and it’s wonderful to welcome such bright and enthusiastic young people to the Capitol,” said Corwin. “Moreover, 4-H’s Capital Days reminds lawmakers of the importance of agriculture in our communities, and that every action we take here in Albany today will have repercussions on the future of farming in New York State.”
Watch the video: https://youtu.be/8Yfa-IQxCNU