BUFFALO — Considered by some to be the “father of American landscape architecture,” Frederick Law Olmsted’s Buffalo legacy endures in the Parkside neighborhood, which is also home to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Darwin Martin House.
The Parkside Community Association invites the public to tour this idyllic subdivision during the 19th Annual Parkside Garden and Architecture Tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 26.
Begin your exploration at the Church of the Good Shephard on Jewett Parkway. Maps will be available for $5 for this self-guided journey, while a guided walking tour can be joined an a first-come, first-served basis for $10.
The Martin House grounds will also be open for discovery, with volunteers on hand to discuss the planned restoration of the site’s greenhouse.
The event is sponsored by the very active Parkside Community Association; money raised by the event will go to fund the myriad programs the Association oversees.
More information on the Garden and Architectural Walk — as well as the PCA — can be found at their website: http://parksidebuffalo.org/