Hey. Hi. How ya doin’. I’m Scott. Nice to meet you.
So I thought I should take a minute and introduce myself and this website that you’re on since I’m polite and you were kind enough to come visit.

I’m a former newspaper reporter, editor and carrier; former radio talk show host and production director; former paint salesman, burger flipper and pizza delivery guy. I’m a current father, political junkie, technology aficionado, and news addict.
Most recently, I served as news editor for East Niagara Post, a website I co-published with my partner until recently when I decided to “go solo.” In the 2 1/2 or so years I worked on that site — I’m still working on it, by the way, just not as a partner — I learned a few things about how this whole internet news thing works. That knowledge will come in handy as I grow All WNY News.
All WNY News is a companion site of sorts to a site I launched 10 years ago today, April 1, 2006. That site, All WNY Radio, has grown and shrunk and grown and changed hands and came back to me. It offers music from all of Western New York. Similarly All WNY News will offer news from all of Western New York.
In short, I think people in the Buffalo and Rochester areas deserve better news than they’re getting. They deserve more news, without click-bait headlines and half truths. They deserve “journalism,” which has frankly been lacking in the media world for some time.
All WNY News is going to offer news, sports, features, the arts, events — you name it — in a timely manner — and for free.
I’ve spent the last few weeks writing stories that no one has seen yet, save a few people in my inner circle who helped me to design the site and make decisions about its layout.
This is a group effort … by a very large group. And that group is going to grow.
I don’t want to continue to ramble (yeah I do, but I won’t). So take a look around and let me know what you think. You can email me at scott.leffler@allwnynews.com or tweet me @scottleffler.
– Scott Leffler
– Editor
– All WNY News
All WNY is made possible thanks to coffee and sleep deprivation.
We appreciate your readership. We like money, too.