NORTH TONAWANDA — The Niagara County Republican Party is officially behind Donald Trump in the upcoming GOP New York primary election April 19.
Niagara County GOP Chairman Scott Kiedrowski said there was clear movement of local Republican voters to Trump. Kiedrowski noted that had only accelerated since Trump’s blow-out Florida victory that drove Sen. Marco Rubio from the race.
“The base is increasingly telling us they are for Trump, and as a chairman, you need to know when to listen to your party’s base,” Kiedrowski said Thursday morning. “Donald Trump is energizing Republican voters in a way I haven’t seen in a long time, and a number of us believe he will ride that energy and enthusiasm all the way to the White House.”
Kiedrowski noted fellow New Yorker Trump is well-positioned on issues that matter to local GOP voters.
“Trump has shown enormous respect for individual liberties, and the Second Amendment in particular, and that resonates with the Republicans I talk to on a regular basis,” Kiedrowski said. “So does his background and experience, though: our voters are tired of being lectured by a dysfunctional Washington that has produced a stagnant economy, and want to get America back in business. Donald Trump, unlike Hillary Clinton, has actually built things and created jobs.”
Kiedrowski added that even with all of Trump’s qualifications, the decision to endorse had not been simple or easy, with strong arguments for the candidacies of Rubio, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich.
“The Republican field this year is full of extraordinary leaders: Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, any one of them could easily have defeated Hillary in the fall, and every single Republican candidate would have been a better president than her,” Kiedrowski said. “Trump, however, is just energizing the base in a way I haven’t seen in years, and that’s really critical to locking down this win.”
Ultimately, though, Kiedrowski said one thing drove the decision to endorse Trump: “It’s time to make America great again.”