I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty underwhelmed with 2020. Or at least I’ve been wrongly-whelmed. It just hasn’t gone how we all hoped it would way back in January — which believe it or not, was actually this year.

For many of you, work was canceled, school was canceled, sports were canceled … life was canceled. Or at least put on hold. But one thing is going on as planned this year: Shark Week.

For the third straight year, All WNY will be covering Discovery Channel’s Shark Week with all the respect it deserves (and sometimes doesn’t deserve), bringing Sylvia Papineau back once again to review the new shows and generally talk shark.

Keep an eye out starting Sunday for our daily updates on all things Shark Week, beginning with Sylly’s preview of the week.

You may have noticed that we’ve gone all-in. As we do. We’ve changed our logos on AllWNY.com, and our social media sites for the week.

You may also notice that the website itself looks a little different. Unrelated to Shark Week, we’ve completely rebuilt it from the ground up.

With these two things in mind (Shark Week and new website), we really want to promote engagement this week. So we thought we’d give some stuff away.

Beginning with this column and continuing tomorrow with Sylly’s review (and each day thereafter), we’re going to pick one person at random who shares that day’s Shark Week column (on Twitter and/or Facebook) and give that person a shark mask. You can either choose from the shark teeth mask available in our Etsy shop or the Shark Week logo (on a white mask). One mask per person/household – so we can really spread the love around.

So please – share away (with #AllWNYSharkWeek as the tag). And enjoy the week.

Scott Leffler, All WNY

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By Scott Leffler

Scott Leffler is the editor of All WNY News, program director of All WNY Radio, maker of All WNY Stuff and usually, the guy who breaks -- and then (hopefully) fixes things at All WNY. Aside from running All WNY, Scott is a professional narrator, voicing radio and TV commercials, audiobooks, phone systems, and a whole lot of YouTube videos.