WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. — Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) today hosted a Vietnam War Commemoration Event in Batavia honoring more than 50 Vietnam Era veterans and distributed commemorative lapel pins from The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration. This event was part of a national effort to recognize and thank Vietnam Veterans during the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.

“As we commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, the memory is vivid in the minds of these outstanding individuals,” said Collins. “What our nation experienced during that time is unlike any other war, and we hold these Veterans in a very special regard. This was an extraordinarily humbling evening and these Veterans have my deepest gratitude for their selfless service.”

In addition to the Vietnam War Commemoration, President Donald Trump officially designated each March 29th as National Vietnam War Veterans Day to honor and thank U.S. Vietnam Veterans and their families for their service and sacrifices. Approximately 9 million Americans, 7 million living today, served in the military from November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975. More than 58,000 Americans died while serving during Vietnam war era.

Collins added: “I was honored to meet so many remarkable men and women this evening and plan to host similar events around my district in the future.”

The Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin is available to any veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during the period of November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location. Veterans interested in attending future ceremonies should contact Congressman Collins district office at 716-634-2324 or visit

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